Slub Scallop Crew65.00// for 3 T-Shirt Bundle4 for 3 T-ShirtsallAll ProductsAll TopsBest SellersBlack + MidnightBlue Colored ClothingBundle & SaveBuy ButtonColumbus Day SaleCyber Monday BOGODADS DAYDiscount BundlesFabric: Cotton SlubFull-Price ItemsMen's Best SellersMen's Shop AllMen's Shop AllMen's T-ShirtsNew ArrivalsNon SubscriptionNon-Vault | Jan 2024Shop AllShop All - Cyber Monday BOGOSun-Faded Slub Scallop CrewT-Shirtstax:clothingTEST PLPTopsTry Before You BuyYAMS25
Our sun-faded slub is back and here to stay. Pigment dyed to give a washed and worn in look that will continue to soften and fade, available in our signature scallop crew. This cotton slub is now firmly planted as one of our core fabrics. These midweight cotton yarns have an intentional uneven texture that only improve with age. The perfect heavier weight option to our supima and tri-blend jerseys.
Goodlifebase_color:bluebest-sellerBF30bundleclothing-taxcolor_name:Goodlife Navyfabric:cotton slubfind-my-fitfit-guidegender-menshem:scallopMen's Topsneckline:crewproduct_family:GL99CSSLP2FPromo Code AllowedPromos Allowedquick_filter:midweightquick_filter:scallop hemsize:mens-topssleeve_length:short sleevesmarttag_regular_pricetemporary-best-sellertemporary-shop-alltemporary-t-shirtTryNowYGroup_slub_scallop_crew// Navy / S65.00// NavyS48740624400675Goodlife Navy / M65.00// NavyM48740624433443Goodlife Navy / L65.00// NavyL48740624466211Goodlife Navy / XL65.00// NavyXL48740624498979Goodlife Navy / XXL65.00// NavyXXL4.9255